The primary goal is to provide timely and accurate training along with information on the most current release of our software product. We strive to make the training hands-on so that the students learn not only the concepts but also how to apply them to their everyday projects. On the last day, students are given an actual project submittal so that they have everything they need to complete a real integration job. They will create: system architecture, data modeling, graphics, schedules, alarms, logic, histories, and summaries. Students will leave the class knowing that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and tools to complete a real job.
Installing software & licensing
FIN 4.5 overview
System architectures
Tagging and data modeling
Connecting to devices
Modeling data using templates and libraries
Building application logic
Creating alarm and FDD routines
Adding and using schedules
Collecting and viewing historical data
Creating custom graphics
Configuring summaries
User management
Queries and batch editing
Tip & tricks
Students are to provide their own laptop and actual mouse (touch-pads are not conducive to the rapid drag & drop engineering
Students should have full Admin privileges to their laptop so they can install software w/o interference from the OS or laptop security
DATES: July 16 - 19, 2019
COST: $3,400
Company becomes Authorized J2 FIN Reseller
1 seat for comprehensive 3 1/2 day class; hands-on training; donuts & coffee and lunch provided each day
$2,000 for each additional seat in training
To Register or Ask Questions: Contact Kinsey at Jackson Control 317-914-5177 or