Honeywell Spyder BACnet Training (HTTP - 205 Spyder Core Competency)
Course Description: The class starts by introducing the student to the Honeywell Spyder series of programmable unitary controllers and advances to job implementation.
Topics Include: •
- Specifications
- BACnet architecture
- Device addressing
- Function blocks
- Simulations
- Debugging
- Macros
- Applications
- BACnet objects
- Proxy points
- Time Schedules
- Spyder library
- Priority array
- Zio wall module
- VAV balancing
Students: WEBs/Niagara AX Tridium Certfication or HTTP 201A or HTTP 201B
Equipment: Each student is to provide their own laptop computer. Laptop much have a USB LON adapter and cable. Honeywell will provide the training board for the class.
Software: All software should be licensed and working before the class. WEBPro-AX or WEBStation-AX version 3.8x.
Cost $1,800 per student
Contractor PRO Co-op Points may be used for 50% reimbursement. Form available upon request. *includes lunches
Time 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
To Register or Ask Questions Contact Kinsey at Jackson Control 317/231.2200, ext.319