What are you doing to address elevated skin temperatures?
The Problem:
Prevent infected person from entering the building. Building owners and operators need a non-contact method for monitoring the body temperatures of individuals entering their buildings. Screening skin temperature accurately and quickly is a first line of defense and highly important for public health and safety, especially during times of crisis or a pandemic like COVID-19.
The Solution:
Infrared technology by ICI allows for non-contact, quick, and efficient temperature screens. Infrared temperature scanners and other thermal imaging systems are critical to maintain safe work environments and public spaces by identifying individuals with elevated skin temperatures.
Why the ICI Solution:
FDA and NDAA Approval
Industry’s Best Accuracy Thermal Cameras
Medical-grade Temperature Screening Solution
Rapid Imaging and Temperature Screening
Reliable Training
Excellent Customer Support
How it Works:
Infrared temperature screening systems use thermal imaging cameras and software to read skin surface temperature and calculate an estimated core body temperature. If that temperature is above a preset range, an alarm will sound to alert the elevated temperature.
If the thermal imaging system detects an individual has a high temperature, that person should be pulled aside for a secondary screening with a clinical thermometer.
About the Technology:
Not all infrared camera systems are created equally. When human health and safety are on the line, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Ensure your temperature screening has everything you need with the ICI Solutions.
Key Components of the ICI Solutions:
Thermal Camera
Screen or Computer
Temperature Reference (Blackbody)
Where the Thermal Camera Technology is Being Used:
Factories and Warehouses
Stadiums and Arenas